The Consumer Pyramids Household Surveys (CPHS) are high-frequency large-scale surveys that have come to be used widely, particularly to assess the short-term changes in the economic conditions of households such as the impact of Covid-19 pandemic policies on the economy.

This paper reviews the methodology of the CPHS and examines the data from the surveys. Based on a detailed review of the survey documents, the paper brings to light serious problems with the sample design and survey implementation of the CPHS. Analysis of CPHS data shows several anomalies that are likely to be a result of poor survey design and implementation. The paper also highlights the areas in which the design and implementation of the CPHS needs to be improved if these surveys are to become a credible source of data on socio-economic conditions of households in India.


Recommended citation:

Pais, Jesim and Rawal, Vikas Pais, Jesim and Rawal, Vikas (2021), “CMIE’s Consumer Pyramids Household Surveys: An Assessment”, SSER Monograph 21/3, Society for Social and Economic Research, New Delhi (available at:

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